• steameduproject@gmail.com

STEAMedu project 1 st STUDY VISIT happening Today (December 13 th – December 15 th , 2021)

Partner countries exchange knowledge and good practices from running STEAM-relatedpractices and postgraduate courses in EU HEIs and decide on core aspects of the STEAMeduMSc curriculum.The main goals of the visit include: Presentation of educational models for teaching MSc courses and presentation of existing curricula Design of the structure of the STEAM MSc curriculum Discuss various factors affecting the delivery of […]

STEM/STEAM education

During the event topics related to STEM / STEAM education, such as the skills framework and professional profile of STEM / STEAM teachers, the development of STEAM trainer skills, the design and development of a new postgraduate program, etc. will be presented. The objectives and actions of relevant selected projects of the DAISSy research team of the Hellenic Open University […]

Activities on the STEAMedu project started with a kick-off meeting

The first kick off meeting of the ERASMUS + Capacity Building in the field of higher education 2020 of the STEAM-edu project was held at SUM. Nineteen partner institutions are participating in this project, in which the University of Mostar is the grant holder, ie the main project coordinator. The aim of the project is to contribute to the promotion […]